Q: Can anyone who goes to another school apply for the summer school program? A: Other school students can apply for Preschool to Grade4 classes in the summer school program. Please check the class below.
Preschool - PreK class *birthdate: September 2018 - August 2020 Kinder and Grade1 class *birthdate: September 2016 - August 2018 Grade 2-4 class *birthdate: September 2013 - August 2016
Q: Can my child attend the summer school program? Is there still an available seat in the class? A: Please apply for the application form by May 31st. We will let you know after the application deadline.
Q: My child does not speak English well. Can he/she join the summer school program? A: They do not need high English skills. Please let us know details on the application form. Kinder-Grade 4 students need communication skill in English.
Q: What do students do during summer school? A: It depends on the class. We provide age-appropriate fun activities and lessons in English. They will sometimes play outside on sunny days.
Q: Do you have lunch service? A: You can order School lunch through LINE appli to the lunch company directly. Lunch is 350 yen for M size and 450 yen for L size.
Q: Do you have School bus service? A: Please let us know on the application form if you would like to use the bus service. We will decide the bus timetable and route after the application deadline. School buses are available for all ages.
Q: Can you pick up my child near my house by bus? A: The bus routes are different from the regular routes, however, they will be decided based on the current routes and bus stops.
Q: Can you send any report cards or teacher’s comments/feedback for my child? A: We do not send report cards or other comments to students or parents. It is not an opportunity to check their English skills.
Q: How can we know what students do during the summer school? A: We send a weekly newsletter with photos every week by email.
Q: Can students go home by themselves if parents can not pick them up from school or the bus stop? A: Grade1-Grade4 students can go home by themselves, however, parents need to inform us in advance.
Q: Do you have daycare service or afterschool programs? A: We have daycare service in the morning and after school. Students can play outside or in the classroom until parents pick them up. There are no afterschool programs.
Q: Do students have out-of-school activities such as field trips? A: Kinder-Grade4 students will have a field trip on Friday. We will let you know more details later.
Q: Can we cancel the summer school after we apply? A: You can cancel it before the payment deadline. If you cancel it after your payment, it is not refundable.
Q: Can we change the week which we have already applied for? A: Please let us know before the summer school starts. If there are available seats in the class, you can change the week.
Q: Can my child attend the class for another week if he/she is/was absent? A: There is no makeup lesson for absent days. They can not attend the absent days for another week.
Q: My child can not attend every day. A: They can take a day off, however, there is no makeup lesson for absent days. The fee can not be discounted.
Q: Do you have lessons if a typhoon (or other bad weather) is coming to Nagoya? A: We will email you around 7:00 in the morning if we do not have lessons due to a storm alert (Bohu Keiho). There is no make-up lesson in that case.
Q: Do you have a car park in the school? A: There is no car park in the school, however, parents can drop off their child and pick up in the drive-thru. The drive-thru time is 8:45 - 9:00 in the morning and 15:00 - 15:20 after school.
Q: Can my child go to school by bicycle? A: Only primary school students can come by bicycle. There is a bicycle park for students near the east gate. Students must wear a helmet.
Q: What does my child bring to school? A: They need to bring ‘lunch, water bottle (water or barley tea), snack, small towel, a hat and indoor shoes’. All items including clothes should be clearly named.
Q: Can my child bring a device such as an iPad or iphone? A: Please do NOT bring any toys or personal items. We do not have responsibility if they lose them. We will let you know if they need to bring something else.
Q: Can you help my child to use sunscreen or bug spray? A: Please use sunscreen at home in the morning. If they need bug spray, please label it with your child’s name.
Q: My child needs to take medicine at school. A: Please email us in advance. If parents do not inform us, students are not allowed to take medicine at school. If your child has any food allergies, food restrictions, any problems in health, please let us know on the application form.