Child Protection Policy
Child Protection Policy
Child Protection at Enishi International School:
Enishi International School’s Child Protection Policy applies to all members of the learning community at Enishi International School (EIS). Students, teachers, parents, volunteers and visitors are meant to strictly adhere to and follow the mandates dictated herein. The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance to staff and others about expected codes of behavior when dealing with child protection issues, thus ensuring protection concerns and referrals will be handled sensitively, professionally, and in ways that support the needs of the child.

These measures are mandated and protected by this policy regarding the following:
Per the UN Declaration of the Rights of a Child EIS acknowledges its duty to safeguard the care and promote the welfare of children.
EIS is committed to ensuring safeguarding practice that reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance, and compliance with best practice and accrediting body requirements.
EIS will work in conjunction with Japanese laws regarding child protection, defining the term “child” as students under the age of 18.
EIS also acknowledges that a student under our pastoral care shall be protected by this policy until the time of their graduation, irrespective of the age of the student.
EIS Child Protection Policy is to maintain a school environment free of child abuse/neglect and provide a safe learning environment for the students.
EIS Child Protection Policy intends to demonstrate the school’s commitment to preventing child abuse/neglect and clarifies the requirement for child protection.
It also displays that the school takes this issue seriously and is willing to take on any duty and responsibility to create a safe and healthy environment for the students.
This policy aims to go along with the child protection topics covered in the curriculum programmes and aims to increase their ability to understand abuse prevention.
Child protection concerns include suspected, alleged, self-disclosed, or witnessed abuse of a child by anyone associated within or outside the school which must be investigated and followed by appropriate action.
Child protection requires all members of the learning community (teachers, students, and parents) to follow a strict code of conduct.